Phil Harris and Dennis Day rode the popularity of Jack Benny on their own programs on NBC. In fact, for the first two years of its run, Harris' show immediately followed Benny's.
Broadcast History: 29 April 1949 to 20 September 1953Theme Tune: Leave It To Love by Henry Russell, whistled by Dick Powell
Richard Diamond, starring Dick Powell was a private detective who was tough, but also had a little fun out of life. He was sarcastically friendly towards the police, but generally co-operated with Lieutenant Walt Levinson with whom his relationship was abrasive but rooted in honest affection.
Jack Benny - 370418 - Lady Milicent's Husband
760916 - Dr Peterson’s Pills
YTJD 591115 665 The Bayou Body Matter
CMP441101 - Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy, Fred Allen [269]
I Love Adventure xxxxxx Man with the Third Green Eye, The