…world’s first commercial radio station, KDKA, began broadcasting in Pittsburgh in 1920.
Broadcast History: 9 January 1949 to 28 September 1951
In this half-hour show, many of Hollywood’s elite can be heard recreating their movie roles on the radio. This series differs from others such as The Screen Guild Theater due to the addition of director participation. The films’ directors introduce their work, often recalling how the pictures themselves were made and also what those involved have been doing since. Condensing a full-length feature film into a thirty-minute slot is understandably a difficult task but the excellent scripts of Geiger and Simmons ensure that full justice is done to the original material.
The Whistler 511202 496 End of the Road
LR460206 - Big Brother
GG510919 - Falling for the Bullard Sister [179]
Dragnet 51-08-30 (116) The Big Crazy